Acupuncture Menopause Treatment
The one way to help menopause symptoms is to improve your lifestyle and diet: that means reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, eating food rich in plant estrogens, like tofu, tempeh, soybeans, oats, cashews, almonds, alfalfa, apples and flax seeds, learning how to manage stress, sleeping more and exercising moderately.
Durind menopause women also need sufficient supplementation of magnesium, calcium and zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-complex, vitamin D and EPA-DHA.
Acupuncture and medicinal herbs provide tremendous benefits to treat menopausal symptoms naturally.
Chinese medicine has used both treatments for thousands of years, improving detoxification, balancing hormones and calming the mind to ease menopause symptoms.
I will never get tired of telling women of all ages that there is a natural, non-pharmaceutical, safe and effective, TIME-PROVEN way to achieve relief from the majority of your symptoms. Don't let your symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause affect your life and call today! We proudly serve the Orange County areas of Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach and Mission Viejo.