Acupuncture for Pain Management and Trauma

In USA acupuncture is most known for the treatment of acute or chronic pain. And it is well deserved! How is this almost magical effect possible?

When an acupuncture needle penetrates the skin, substance P, our body's own natural painkiller is released. Substance P attracts steroids and stimulates an inflammatory cascade, increasing blood circulation in the affected area and naturally addressing the inflammation, caused by disease or trauma.

A vast body of research has demonstrated that patients with acute pain respond well to acupuncture treatment with approximately 10-15 treatments per course.

Acupuncture and chronic pain & trauma

Chronic conditions require quite a few courses of treatment, but also insure a significant improvement in symptoms. Patients who have taken analgesics before acupuncture therapy were able to either discontinue them completely, or reduce their doses dramatically.

If you have experienced trauma and pain from an accident, please note that research also supports the use of acupuncture for after-treatment of accident patients.

Acupuncture presents a valuable therapeutic option – resulting in reduced pain, decreased edema, and an increased range of motion. In my practice it has helped many with long standing complaints following accidents.

Acupuncture can treat a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions including:

Why wait? Book your complimentary 20 minute consult now!

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